Hi Clootie, I'm actually using your DirectX headers, great work eheh

Quote Originally Posted by Clootie
2) Materials are only working when doing lighting in vertex processing part of 3D pipeline, but you are using D3DFVF_LVertex - so I assume lighting is turned off.
Nah, it's turned on. I have gazillions of vertex types in my program. I'm just talking about a particular and microscopic polygon that is making spend extra hours trying to remember what I actually used to know in the past. I did a lot of alpha-blending code, I remember I studied a lot to understand all these INVSRCCOLOR things and such, and now I've forgotten some of the basics... Hence my question. It seems like it's the only thing that keeps me from restarting my engines. Some things you can't forget... Some things you can, apparently

And if lighting is off then color data is taken directly from your vertex data and not modified by lighting+material combo. Later this color can be combined with texture data in pixel processor of GPU.

Hope this will help...
Have you got any sample code somewhere, by any chance? I couldn't seem to find anything that does both material+vertex alpha at the same time. Even Microsoft's lighting samples offer material alpha OR vertex alpha, not both at the same time :roll: