Quote Originally Posted by Murmandamus View Post
Just wanted to let you all know that I am compiling and collating these (and some of my own) into a list which I am planning to edit into my original post. I would like to expand into some details as well, but I'll get to that shortly.

The main goal is a "quick reference" with details that can be amended as time goes on (as well as helping me decide on tools; I like to turn my research efforts into something more broadly usable by others; I might as well, the work is being done anyway ).
If you would like to article-ize it and put it into the next issue of Pascal Gamer I'd be happy to publish it. As long as it doesn't bash any one party or speculate too much.

Re: Documentation-Debacle....

Yeah I was pretty disappointed. I think it might have been one of the core team members too. There was another of the core members (I believe Vincent, who I have a great deal of respect for) who did offer some information that explained some of the issues, but I really never got any information that would have helped in my hope to update the documentation to add what I felt was missing. It seems the core development team is pretty de-centralized and not really united in a common goal for the software. At least not that I've seen. The Laz team could use more structuring I think.