A little project summary:

- Writing games in FPC is great fun, and can be done quite efficiently if you are focused.
- Use the modern features of FPC to your advantage! We have the best programming language but only if we use it properly.
- Game physics is hard. If you try faking it, the shortcuts get highly noticable.
- Game AI can be tricky too. It can often be hacked, but then it gets pretty dumb.
- 3D requires a lot of tools, but once you have a decent set of tools (3D modeler like Wings 3D or Blender, paint program like Pixelmator, model loading code, texture loading, linear algebra code, collision detection) then 3D is managable.
- One reason for me to write this was to make a project like the ones my students do. I don't want to get stuck teaching but never doing, only telling people to do fun things but never doing them myself. You always learn by doing.
- Trenkti y g??rble!