Yeah that's a pretty impressive list of technical features!

I'm curious though, what about the level of game design on top of all those technologies? I mean would I be able to design worlds using my own graphics and characters and animations with the same level of functionality as the Sushi Quest game? Same type of object models and game mechanics, etc...

For clarification as to what I'm asking. When you play a FPS that uses an id Software engine or one of the Unreal engines, you expect to be able to have that FPS game mechanics built in already. Will this game engine have the same thing for me should I want to make a game using the same practicalities as what you have done with Sushi Quest or will it just be another plain-slate just like as if I would be using any other framework with different technologies?

Personally, I'm not looking for another framework (I don't need that!) what I'm interested in is making a game using an existing game engine that I can hone to my own game play and story of my making using an existing game engine and not have to rewrite most if not all of the game mechanics myself. Modification is another thing, I'd like to be able at add or remove features used in Sushi Quest to my own title. This is how professional game developers do things as well.