Well there should be DB libraries out there that don't need to be hooked into the whole "components" concept. In fact we don't need anything from that side of the house. Plus now you have the option of finding and using what you like, much like before, but not everyone has to pay the extra price for having them pre-packaged. That just seems way better for everyone than getting hung up on the edition not having it all under the hood.

Instead of text files, I'd highly recommend XML which actually works amazingly as a great cross-platform game data container. To be honest I didn't see the value in the concept until Stoney turned me onto trying it for one of my games. It fixed all my binary data endian problems and made switching between my Windows environment and my Mac environment so much easier. It became almost a thoughtless process even.

I agree that a version of Delphi bundled with all the latest and greatest libraries and translated API headers would be excellent, but I'm wondering if enough people would actually buy into that as a pre-packaged product? Would anyone buy into that if it were another set of tools like Oxygene? (I'd list Lazarus too, but since the tools are all free I doubt someone would pay for something that is all parts free.)