Quote Originally Posted by WILL View Post
Also we shouldn't have to install anything other than your game it's self to be able to play it. This last part is so that it's fair for the judges who have to play 10 or 20+ games and don't have a huge mess on our systems at the end of it. Doesn't hurt to keep the judges happy with a friendly installer or simple zip file either.
This makes me think.

Actually I decided to work in Windows so I'm sure the judges will be able to play my game (even Linux and MacOS can run Windows applications using WineHQ, and Allegro does work using Wine with almost no problems). So my package will include the DLL file used by Allegro, no problem about this.

But what about Linux systems? POSIX systems "needs" to install and configure the libraries to make them available for applications. Allegro includes optimizations for a lot of different system configurations so the best is to compile and install it instead of just copy some "dot s o files".

It isn't a real question, just a comment.