I see you have similar taste for games like me. I was also disappointed in some of them because they lack the proper depth.
For instance I really liked Uplink but was disappointed by the fact that later game becomes more difficult simply by lowering the time that you have to hack certain computer. So I come up to idea so that there would be different OS-es on different computers where each OS would require different hacking approach.
Another thing that disappoints me in most hacking games is that when you hack to some computer you are presented with just a few folders and files. That is nothing like any real life computer. So my idea is to create this virtual file-structure and its contents based on the computer OS and the programs that are installed on them. Which programs are installed on them should depend on the intended use of such computers. So for instance a home computer would have mostly games and some multimedia programs on them. Business computers would have more document writing or some special business programs on them and so on.
Also in my idea I intent to abandon the classic hacking style seen in most hacking games or movies where you sit in front of your computer all the time and you can do just about everything from there. Instead my plan is to require gamer to go and perhaps infiltrate some organization in order to get direct access to their computers because they simply have to strong protection to be hack-able.

This idea of mine is another reason why I started working on my own UI library because I need a UI library that would allow me to develop multiple different UI-s preferably with ease.
Any way for now my idea is more or less just an idea since I haven't managed to make any of the systems it requires yet. Maybe someday in the future it becomes a reality but before that happens I may put some of my other ideas into the reality first as they are less complex and thus easier to make.