Yes Will, that's the exact plan. We've been talking about such a database like the one Tom had back in the days on for years now over at DelphiGL but somehow the idea never really took off or people couldn't find a common ground to base something like that on. So yesterday i decided to just do it (mostly) on my own. Or at least the first steps. Right now the reports are just listed online, but we're already talking about setting up a SQL database over at the DGL to which the tool will then in the future upload it's reports (instead of the XMLs plainly uploaded to my webspace). That would also mean you can then search and compare the different reports online which is the main goal that I want ot achieve with this : an online database for all the different GPUs out there that can be searched and compared.

And as for a mac port : That would be great, cause we also have a person that would do a linux port so we would have all major operating systems covered. As soon as I finished the basics of the tool I'll release the source so people can port it to different platforms.

@Traveler :
Yeah, that's proably because the form's position is set to desktopcenter. Didn't take multiple screens into account, but thanks for the info, I'll change that for the next release.