whtemple1959 welcome to PGD first.
Unfortunately I haven't done much progress so far. As you might nit know this was part of myGame project with whic I intended to ener 2nd PGD mini competition. But since there was a time limit I had to abandon further development on this part and try to finish rest of the game. Unfortunately I was unsecsessful as the time ran out before I managed to create games GUI (spent more time on this mater than I planed).
Even after the 2nd PGD mini competition was over I had not resumet work on this becouse I got idea of making a library which would alow me to easily make GUI for any of my future games.
I must also admit that I haven't done much programing in the last mont or so. I0m having problem getting myself to do any work.

My original goal was to use perling noise function to generate heightmap texture, use some postprocessing on this texture for finetuning and then finaly use the heightmap to generate planets surface texture. I didn't have intention to make actuall planet model but only to make texture which I could render on a sphere so that it will look atleas a bit similar to planet.
Sure I could apply heightmap to the sphere to actually gain elevated terrain but this was deffinitly out of my reach for a project which needed to be done in a month time.

You are saying that you intent to use sphere for game map instead of square map. What dimensions do you intent to use? If you want lots of percision you have to realize that this will require lots of space for textures.
For instance Google Earth suposingly uses more than 150 TB of data for storing all the surface images.

Now if you want quickest answer about how to implement planetary map in your game I recomend you to get in contact with Sascha Willems the author of game named Projekt Weltherrscher.
He is using planetary map in his own game and I'm sure he will be glad to help you out. I only think that he has no algoriithm for radom map generation but I might be wrong (havent tried latest version of his game).