Quote Originally Posted by Ingemar View Post
Sadly, I feel that an indie game must come with good reviews. Wading through the piles of games at AppStore, GoG, MacGameStore or Steam will only lead you to infinite numbers of tower defense (can be good but usually just more of the same), make-groups-of-jewels (usually not very interesting), find-hidden-objects (worse, extremely boring and there are a lot of them) or match-tiles-with-mahjong-tiles-without-even-telling-it-isnt-mahjong (worst, I absolutely hate them). It just isn't worth trying, the market is flooded with overpolished garbage.
I absolutely agree with this.

Throughout many attempts that I've made on my iPhone and iPad through Apple Store and Samsung Galaxy through Google Play, I only found countless "casual" games based around the model of harvesting as much cash from you as possible - be it from banners or ingame payments.

There are really only few indie and non-indie that I found interesting and mostly these come from word of mouth - either from a friend or a colleague.

In my point of view, there are very few *really interesting* games coming out these days, the rest is a flood of poor remakes/recreations with huge effort of sucking your pocket.

Recently I'm no longer trusting reviewing sites as I've found a lot of sort-of biased reviews, which look like they were paid to give good feedback about a game that utterly sucks and only wants to gets your cash off. Just recently my wife purchased a game of throwing balls, which kept nagging about purchasing even more expensive version and to get more content you need to pay even more or share this crap on Facebook (which none of us use) to unlock more levels - a money-hungry Shovelware.