Some games I cant download - the download is like 100KB instead of full size (DragonDuel and AirBlast)

Some games are obviously too high spec for my Notebook (Centrino 1.5, 1GB RAM, 64MB Intel Extrmem Graphics for Mobile) and just dont run at all - SodomaLite - and some are so slow it doesn't work - MadAeon.

I dont have a RAR extractor - will find one shortly

This left me with
Comic, MSX, Marcus to look at

Comic is weak, slow to load but actually quite fun when it starts and you've worked out how to move the objects. Needs different text colors and things. Nice smooth animation but not enough instructions.

MSX - was fun but how do I track the enemy like he does me - can he even miss. Nice smooth scrolling. Some nice AI in the enemy spaceship.

Marcus - sorry I dont like FPS games. Couldn;t work out eaily how to move. It changed my screen resolution when going full screen, and endless access violations on closing. When the enemy found me he stood in front of me and just let me shoot him dead .