Coding is done!

I'm pretty much spot-on with my initially planned timeframe, and the next week will be used to create content. The current chapter's and decisions are mostly development placeholders, so during the coming week I'm going to write dialogue and decisions, so a playthrough will become more interesting than in the testing release.

And though I haven't had much tome to code during the last week, I sat down the whole weekend to push the game.

The ending screen now displays different (two different visuals), depending on the positive or negative bias you gathered while selecting answers. Though it's not what I had in mind initially, so I may expand on the idea of different endings (like you're used from games like Silent Hill) after the contest is done.

And I also used this afternoon to slip in a new visual styles : ladders. So in addition to doors, corridors and holes, decisions can now also be represented with ladders :

(click to enlarge)

I wrote roughly 4,500 LOC for this game (excluding all of the stuff from my basecode that I reused for this game), the development directory is at ~ 250 MBytes and the final release should come in at 30 MBytes.

And as a bonus, here are two debugging screenshots :

They showcase how the game composes it's visuals, using up to 6 different frame buffer objects. From left to right : Visual scene (color), color picking, effects overlay, text overlay, reality scene, death scene

So now on to writing some additional content