I'm going for the most off topic post, but I hope some of you will find it usefull...

As we all know, most geeks are not the best guys at approaching women. We all fear the rejection and that stops us from achieving our goal of getting to know that hot chick. Lack of self confidence and self image stop most of us from getting past the fear...

So here ( 20MB MP3 download ) is an example of approaching women. These 2 American guys taped themselves approaching various women in London literally 2-3 nights ago. They were part of a TV programme that aired last night called Seduction School where they got 3 very average looking guys ( really tall, really short, really fat ) to come across as self confident when approaching women and how to get the girl's phone numbers.

I think listening to this is much better than the TV programme and you can listen and analyse the interaction going on between how the guy approaches the girls and how she responds. If you can come across as being a fun guy to be with, it's interesting to see how much you can get away with.

Now get out there and start seducing.

I have a company party next Wednesday night, so will post here about how it went.