Hi Sascha,

in your comments to my stage 3 entry you mentioned that the buttons in cannon mode did not work properly.

Can you please tell me what exactly did not work? Did the collision seem to be misplaced? Did you change the resolution (Did you set a 16/10 resolution)? I tried several settings here and I cannot find anything bad with button collision. But I have no possibility to test 16/10 resolutions. It's working well here. So I need your help to find this bug

I think I "repaired" the broken physics. Driving bulldozer is smooth now. But I still need to find a way to control newtons calculations framerate-independend. The way 3_of_8 posted in his MechaChess Thread caused the problems you have seen in stage3 entry.
It's exactly the behaviour I posted there as one of my answers... if the PC is not fast enough to render the scene with a good framerate, the calculations of newton will punish the CPU, resulting in bigger and bigger lags each frame. Thats why Christina got performance problems with this version.