I'm happy with just getting it runs/doesn't run on my system, that at least tells me I didn't screw up too bad.

Good news and bad news. The bad news is that during the last backup round I lost MOST of the source code for the game . The good news is, that I was able to re-build the game quite quickly.

This has actually proven to be advantagious in that now levels are even more flexible. You can see this by downloading and running the latest version. There are some new options in the character customization screen, but I completely lost the interaction code that was in place. So, no dialogs telling you what to do or giving you clues. You can still walk around finding the exit and going to the next level though.

Since this still fulfills Stage 2 guidelines, I'm going to release it as is and wait until Stage 3 starts to put interactions back in. Then I'll start working on other features that will make a big difference in gameplay.

I'm getting ready to upload my final for stage 2 as I type this.