Uh, sorry to butt in here, but not really.

Inno Setup installs cleanly over existing installs, letting you "upgrade"/"patch" an existing install to the current version without ever uninstalling until you are absolutely through. I figured you would want to know.

It also supports many languages out of the box, it's free, and you can bundle a multilingual installer in no time flat.

Please don't consider me rude, but your arguments are just silly. In the same time you have extraction take it'll install, create shortcuts, and offer to launch with minimal end-user input and thought.

Knowing that, I don't see how a freely packaged, easy to use installer that supports your language and "install-overs" is ever an "unfriendly" choice -- even in the alpha/beta stage. Besides, I've installed some games (Delphi demo stuff) with installers in German and haven't complained once; an unspoken rule of installers is the first button is "< Back" the second is "Next >" and the third is "Cancel" ... given that the license page is bloody obvious, this is just a bunch of nitpicking.