Quote Originally Posted by Ingemar View Post
Map generation is sensitive; you can make great maps with a few lines of code, but it has to be the right lines. I made one once, based on a few random rectangles and corridors between them. I didn't care if a corridor crossed over another room, and rooms could overlap. It was that simple and it never created a bad level.
Actually I wrote a similar algorithm on MSX some time ago, but I decided to use a different one here. BTW, I think I'll rewrite the map-making algorithm for the final version, after the contest. I don't know what algorithm to use.

Oh, and now the game engine is almost finished! Here you have: Zombies!

After this shot I added skeletons, similar to the ones from the classic "Jason and the Argonauts" film. Zombies are easy to fight but skeletons are harder.