Quote Originally Posted by savage
Hi Vgo, You can use model, textures or audio from 3rd parties as long as you are licenced to use them. We don't want to get into a situation where we or you get sued for using some else's resources without their position.
Ok, that's good to hear. I'd prefer to have some of my friends creating the content for me, but if that fails then I have to start digging.

Quote Originally Posted by IlovePascal
Come on man! The compo is more about creativity and having fun than getting the best graphics!
I know, but if it's up to me then my entry will have some nice boxes in it and that's all.

I bought DeleD and I've used it to create some simple test scenes that I can render in my game engine, but if I'd have to make space ship, car or some kind of human model I just simply can't do it.

I have never made a 3D game before (I got OpenGL working for the first time three days ago!), and I have no idea how to make great graphics, but the idea is to go for it, do your best!
I've used OpenGL since 1997 or so, but due to lack of time sometimes months pass until I pick up on it again.

I'm gonna create my game engine from scratch for the competition. Obviously I'll use some pieces of code I've written in the past, but the engine itself will be brand new.

I believe it would be very very hard for us beginners to do better than the many ppl out there who make models and hard out graphics every day, so I'm gonna use that time to make a fun game instead of a pretty game!
For me the competition is not about graphics. However, I'd like to have some "ok" looking content in my game. I'm not aiming for the graphical quality and complexity of Doom3/Half-Life2/whatever, there's no time nor resources for that.