Hi all,
I have uploaded the latest version of The Probe to it's dedicated website now (scary!!)

See the downloads page to get it

Here is the latest change log:
Version: 2012.01.25
* Change - Added module music (.xm, .mod) playing code to reduce game footprint size (Thanks BeRo!).
* Change - Added module music tracks into game; one for the menu and the rest for in-game levels.
* Change - Added scrolling credits to bottom of menu screens.
* Change - Change default fire key from SPACE to Left-CTRL key due to user request.
* Change - In-game music now starts playing after player teleports into a level, and plays a random track each new level (track restarts when level restars).
* Change - Renamed 'options' menu item.
* Change - Editor Mode: Added W,S,A,D keys to scroll level (independant of scroll bars) to allow clicking outside level boarders to expand level size automatically.
* Change - Editor Mode: Added Space, 'X', 'Y' keys to rotate and flip (where applicable) the selected tile.
* Change - Updated switch graphics to much nicer ones!
* Change - Updated "The Probe_Help.pdf" with Background Story, game objective, and new fire key, new switch graphics and new editor information.
* Change - Added some more test levels to the main game for users to try out.
* Fix - Fixed editor bug where cursor not moving (thanks SilverWarior)!
Here is a challenge: Now that the editor is working again, and is more user friendly (I believe)...it would be great if you guys could try making some levels if you get time
When done, can you send them to me, or post them here?
If I like them good enough I will add them into the game itself!
