Appologies for the delay in getting back to everyone, I have been ill the last couple of days,

Balaras : you only need to provide one executable for either win32, OR, Linux OR Mac. If you provide more, that would also be great, but it is not compulsory.

Chris : on your iBook do you have SDL installed? If you do have FPC, SDL and MacOS X, please have a look at the FreePascal forum @ as I have a question for you.

Sascha : Coding style will not be judged in this competition, maybe next time. The reason being that I would expect most people will write fairly clean code, not necessarily commenting everything meticulously, but at least using descriptive variables and using some nice spacing, with some comments, thus making it at least readable. I believe that writing well structured code helps in the long term in allowing the code to be more maintainable. So it should be standard practise, rather then something that is done only when the "outside world" will see it.
I hope you understand my point.