In my opinion, if I decide to move to .NET, I'd use M$ Visual Studio and C# - has similar features but the IDE is much faster than Delphi 2005 and *much more stable* (no "Catastrophic failure" and "Internal error" notices). Never needed Kylix & other stuff. Tried to work with databases since Delphi 7, it was very unstable (crashed at every second SQL query), so again gave up on it. For game development, Delphi 2005 (we own PRO version) is ok, but the instability is disturbing. All .NET support is like garbage - we don't need it but Delphi 2005 doesn't run well without it, what a waste! The *only* usefulness from .NET for us would be creating PocketPC applications, but D2005 doesn't support that as RAD (M$ Visual Studio does!). In fact, it looks like Delphi 2005 can't even compile a simple mobile .NET application, so... not good. :cry:

Answered their poll based on the points mentioned above...