Dominique, I'm right now writing a cross-plattform FPC-Template for use with OpenGL and Newton. I've also asked Julio directly to also release a linux shared-library for Newton with the next release, and he already replied that the next SDK will have both kinds of library, shared and static!

I finally got KDevelop and FPC set-up and working together on my dual-boot Linux (based on Kanotix) so as soon as the shared library is released (we SDK-developers usually get stuff a bit earlier ) I'll try my template on Linux. Right now it's using plain OpenGL, but I'll install SDL on linux later this day and try to use SDL for even more cross-plattform-fun.

Just wanted to let you know, so that two people won't do the same stuff.

P.S. : Now the only thing needed is someone who is willing to get this stuff ported to MacOS. There are some Mac-users over at the newton forums (with some nice projects), but none of them is using FPC. Since the template will use SDL, it shouldn't be hard to get it working with Mac OS (I guess so...). So if any mac-user is interested please let me know! The more platforms the better!