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Thread: Multiplexity: Submarine Hero

  1. #11

    Multiplexity: Submarine Hero

    Here is a win32 build(with a linux binary also):

    You can move around the map, and if you install wxlua you can edit the map too by running ed.wx.lua! There isn't any shooting or enemy yet, and I don't know if I can get it done by friday - have an exam to study for. Is this enough or will it cost me points if the gameplay isn't "done?"

  2. #12

    Multiplexity: Submarine Hero

    Hi rtf,

    I tried it and it seems to run smooth most of the time although there are some situations where the game starts stuttering... Don't know why or when exactly this occurs... it seems to have something to do with the amount of "rocks" drawn.

    And of course I can't tell you if this is enough "engine" for stage 2. I am no judge
    <a href=";utm_medium=badge_game"><img border="0" alt="GGE" title="GGE" src=""></a>

  3. #13

    Multiplexity: Submarine Hero

    I've made the game a high-priority process in Windows, but I didn't have it in that build. It seems to help the problem you mention. Also, if your cpu is older it will show in this test because I turned on scale2x and that puts a huge load on it - in windows I go from 20% to 90%+ load. (in Linux the max load is much smaller, I think. Hmm. Or maybe I didn't look at that after making the "big" map.)

    Scale2x is going to be more like a bonus option for people with high specs, I think. The graphics overall aren't going to change much at this point, but I can optimize collision by doing location-based culling. That will make large/detailed maps a LOT more efficient.

  4. #14

    Multiplexity: Submarine Hero

    Just for your interest my specs:

    Intel Pentium 4 HT, 2.8 Ghz
    ATI Radeon X800 Pro, 256 MB
    1 GB Ram

    And I have a laptop I can test it on, too, if you want:

    Celeron 1,6 Ghz
    512 MB Ram
    ATI Radeon Mobility 9000
    <a href=";utm_medium=badge_game"><img border="0" alt="GGE" title="GGE" src=""></a>

  5. #15

    Multiplexity: Submarine Hero

    Just gave it a short try on my system and so far it runs very smooth. I didn't encounter any stuttering.

  6. #16

    Multiplexity: Submarine Hero

    Updating because after a long struggle I've revamped my collision system. It can do more things than before and is generally more elegant in most ways. The main thing that made it a struggle was that I decided on using FastGEO, but it needed a lot of work to compile in FPC2. I ended up making "Minigeo" instead of converting the whole thing: taking out only the stuff I knew I wanted, compiling to find dependencies, adding said dependencies, repeat, etc. And then once that was done I found that - also probably because of compiler differences - the behavior was wrong in some instances, which drove me crazy.

    ...I still haven't gotten to the optimization that led me towards a rewrite in the first place ops: I think I'll put it off until after the next milestone though....right now I still have to get text implemented, do menus and dialogues....and really get a full gameplay demo together.

    Oh and wxLua behaves differently on Win32 than in Linux/GTK. My radiobox doesn't function in Windows(visuals work but no behavior) and I can't figure out why :evil: Something I can look at when the project's over with maybe.

  7. #17
    PGD Community Manager AthenaOfDelphi's Avatar
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    Multiplexity: Submarine Hero

    Quote Originally Posted by rtf
    Something I can look at when the project's over with maybe.
    Not if you plan on using radioboxes... I'm only running on Windows :-)
    :: AthenaOfDelphi :: My Blog :: My Software ::

  8. #18

    Multiplexity: Submarine Hero

    Quote Originally Posted by rtf
    Oh and wxLua behaves differently on Win32 than in Linux/GTK. My radiobox doesn't function in Windows(visuals work but no behavior) and I can't figure out why :evil: Something I can look at when the project's over with maybe.
    Post it to the Lua Mail Group, I think I've seen a solution to that problem go by, but I don't remember when.

    I'm curious, since it looks as though you and I are the only two utilizing Lua, what version of Lua and what headers are you utilizing for your project?

  9. #19

    Multiplexity: Submarine Hero

    Quote Originally Posted by AthenaOfDelphi
    Quote Originally Posted by rtf
    Something I can look at when the project's over with maybe.
    Not if you plan on using radioboxes... I'm only running on Windows :-)
    You won't be the one editing levels though...the gameplay doesn't use wx at all. So it's not important unless you want to judge on how easy the game is to mod I've looked on the lua archives a little but getting any information on this bug has eluded me. Maybe I will ask about it.

    jdarling: I looked at a few options but settled on ThLua because it compiled and worked immediately. Official support only goes up to 5.0...but it's worked and I've had no trouble, so I can do without 5.1.

    One issue I've had with using Free Pascal is that a lot of stuff is built first for Delphi and while in some cases the Lazarus tools and libraries might cover up those gaps, I never looked into using it - I wanted to stick with a text editor and command line compiles for this. Simplicity, you know? But a lot of stuff has had to be patched up as a for example, instead of JEDI-SDL I'm using SDL4Freepascal and then integrating files from the JEDI-SDL code when I need them. It's actually been amazingly simple and a much better experience than I've had with most languages/platforms.

    When this project is over with I'll try to work out any license issues and get the code in shape for an open-source release...then we'll have a flexible 2d engine designed specifically for FPC.

  10. #20

    Multiplexity: Submarine Hero

    Quote Originally Posted by rtf
    instead of JEDI-SDL I'm using SDL4Freepascal
    What differences have you found between JEDI-SDL and SDL4FPC?
    <br /><br />There are a lot of people who are dead while they are still alive. I want to be alive until the day I die.<br />-= Paulo Coelho =-

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