I gave it a try and performance is good on my system, around 200 fps with activated AA and 16xAF.

But I noticed some oddities in physics after playing around for some minutes.

First, the simulation is too fast. Maybe it's because of your timing for physics which runs too fast on my machine or maybe it's a general problem which you then can easily tweak. But the bricks fall down very fast over here.

Second, the bricks are too "hard" (or at leas their material), cause they should at least bounce a bit when falling down, especially since the game is played on a carpet.

Third, I think your bricks have the wrong inertia. Are you using Newton's built-in function for calculating inertia? I made several different towers and noticed that the bricks don't react like I expected them most of the time, and I was even able to create something like that, which actually shouldn't be possible :

P.S. : As mentioned in another thread I'm NOT commenting on the actual gameplay itself due to fairness reasons