No updates for a quite long time...

I did not do anything on my entry since the deadline for stage 2. I did not have the time. But today I started again, having in mind that the already spent time is just too "expensive" to throw it away. So I started with some general things... like a game-stage system which is ready to go now. I can have as much stages in my game as I want and with a single call the game fades out the current stage and fades in the desired stage.

Stages are considered as something like intro, menu, game levels/rounds, ending scene etc.

So this is a good progress for today because I already implemented some pseudo stages for menu, ending etc. And because I also wanted to "see" something I made some graphics for the intro, just to make my efforts visible

So here is a little screenshot of my WIP intro, just to show I am still working (again!) on my entry.

The spotlights are moving, the title is fading in and out and the background is also fading when the whole scene fades in and out... all in all a very polished appearance of introducing my name and the games title *lol*

Further intro stages are planned of course... I have something very nice in my mind
