Personally, I'd parse all the data into proper fields and have each report it's own record. I'd try to parse specific data from XML into certain fields that would be best for doing queries, such as max texture size, OpenGL supported versions, etc...

Most of your Query work should be done in SQL not in PHP. Let the database do it's job and you'll be happier with the results. The trick is going to be parsing your XML data from the app into proper fields in your records.

I'd save as much data into fields of a record, but also keep a raw copy into a field as a chunk of text. This way you can write a script later on that can re-parse old saved reports in the DB and update to a new and improved database later on with even better statistics that are even more useful to developers than the previous version of your DB.

When I was heavy into web development a few years ago I cound the and sites' documentation infinitely useful as a reference. Also I'd recommend using phpmyadmin for developing your DB structure. It makes things so much easier than trying to write script that'll create a DB.

Quote Originally Posted by Sascha Willems View Post
Yea, I plan to do statiscs, but e.g. "avg. texture size for hardware older than xxx years" would be really hard to implement. Cause the driver information doesn't include age or release data of the hardware, so I would gather a list of releasedates from the web by myself. But some simple stats (no. of cards per vendor etc.) will come soon.

But first on my list is searching the database (gotta read up on that stuff for PHP, only got very basic PHP skills). So that you will be able to e.g. search for a given extension and all graphics cards that support it are listed. Same with e.g. texture size, so you say "I need a list with all cards that support at least textures of 4096x4096 pixels" and the database will list them. I think that's a pretty important thing for developers and so I'll put priority on this as devs can then quickly check what hardware has what extension etc.

Though I'm still not sure about the database. As I mentioned the reports are XML and are uploaded to the "database" and the PHP scripts just iterate through them (PHP has DOM support, so you can easily get node information from XML). But since I don't really know that much about web development I'm kinda unsure about the load that a search would put on the server. I mean each search for an extension e.g. would make the search script go through all XMLs and check the extension nods for a string. But I think as long as the database doesn't include hundreds of reports that won't be a problem. And yes, I even tried with a real database (SQL), but putting something dynamic and extensible like an XML into a SQL database is nothing trivial, so I'm not sure if it's better to leave it like it currently is with the plain XMLs uploaded and searching through them via PHP.