I like the API layout, very concise! if you're already integrated to such a level then I couldn't recommend switching scripting engine, there's no point as long as you don't hit any walls in terms of using a dynamic library on a given platform, it only makes sence to choose Pascal script if you've not already implemented something else.

But I must stress that you don't need Lazarus for pascalscript, it works perfectly fine with just FPC or the Delphi compiler (got an old version compiling with GNU Pascal long ago) works perfectly on Windows, Linux, OSX, etc (anything FPC can compile for)

Any none visual componenet is essentially just an easy drag and drop alternative to including the units in your uses clause and then instantiating an object, with the added convenience that published properties are shown in a generic manner inside the IDE along with the addition of being able to execute code at design time (so for example GLScene can create a design time GL context for the viewport and show design time properties of scene objects, or somthing like that, it's out of date now, don't use it anymore)

Any component that doesn't render to a form can be used at the lower level (FPC) as that lower level is just wrapped up in a component container in the first place and you can cherry pick lots of useful code from visual stuff as well (for example I used to use the SynEdit Lexer in my hobby compiler projects)