Thanks, that's actually what I was going to ask (just occuried to me, to provide all the required DLLs with the game with non-commercial license). I might have a chance to participate
As a suggestion, you might want to consider size limits, whatever they might be. 64k is really challenging, but if you don't want to limit the developers that much, why not having like 3 or 5 Mb size limit? My point is that it's relatively easily to make like 300 Mb-sized game (uses a lot of movies, music, whatever) which might be good or not but will be really annoying to download (and I think it's not the point of the contest). As an interesting example, our TMDC7 entry which occupies a little less than 2.8 Mb in final build - the entire project (tools, source code, etc) occupies 160 Mb. Another point is, if the size limits are infinite or big, the teams that have good artists, 3d designers and the specific tools will have much more advantage; for instance, there're some ppl who are not very good at art, while there're teams that have ppl working in 2D/3D artwork with powerful tools which I think will give advantages especially in game competition and thus is unfair - this is Pascal game contest, not 2D/3D art contest (as a note, our team *has* 2D/3D art ppl ). I hope this is enough to think about. :roll:

Finally is there any idea about the minimal physical requirements (CPU, memory, etc), system specs, DirectX version, etc.
