I think I must take issue with this statement. The implication that "free only" Lazarus/FPC is somehow for those not "really serious about making $$$ with your games" is a bit ridiculous. I can tell you we're quite serious about making money with our games, and we're quite happy with our decision to stick with Lazarus/FPC development. We understood from the beginning that it will need some additional work, including porting/writing some APIs and tools to bolster the weak areas of the language and platform, but the cool thing is, we can do that; we have the source, Luke! Plus, anything we do that applies to the platform generally, we can contribute back to it, making the baseline that much better.That said, if you are stuck on free only, then Lazarus is probably your best bet, but if you are really serious about making $$$ with your games Oxygene may be the great new way to go.
As a result, I think one has to be a bit careful before dismissing something out-of-hand. Maybe your preferred platform-of-choice is truly wonderful, but I don't think it is fair to dismiss another in order to support your own, and especially dismiss other people who choose a different route. It starts to smack of fanboi-ism -- the overly-fanatical kind -- and really doesn't help anyone.