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iPad 2... Wow!

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ID:	295 Just had a look at the latest keynote speech from Apple where they showed off a few presentations about whats coming in 2011 for iPad existing and future users. The biggest one of course was the iPad 2, which leaves the first model in it's dust. Completely remodeled so it sits flatter, lighter and is thinner. Now includes a forward facing and rearward facing camera, which was expected by most. Then there is the A5 chip which is 2 times faster than the first iPad's processor and graphics are up to 9 times faster on it.

There are all sorts of cool new features like the new magnetic covers, comes with iOS 4.3 and they will be releasing iMovie, Garage Band and Face Time apps for it as well. Best part of all of this is the unchanged battery life and price. They are exactly the same for all models as the previous models. So I guess if you held off on the iPad and wanted to see what would happen for the iPad 2, you're one smart cookie.

Personally I'm kind of happy about one single feature for iOS 4.3... the new slide switch configuration setting. Don't get me wrong, the personal hotspot and the enhancements for Air Play are cool and all, but I like to take my iPad and do a little reading before bed.

Check out the keynote speech at!

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Tags: apple, ios, ipad Add / Edit Tags


  1. code_glitch's Avatar
    Now if they ship development on this I'm in the market for one. Wouldn't it be nice if they allowed us to install mac os x on there? or linux... The possibilities would be truly endless. Although I too am a fan of the app store architecture and my main flaw with the original iPad was that it was incompatible with flat surfaces (rounded bottom) this might just be 'perfect'...
  2. Murmandamus's Avatar
    Now, if I could just develop my own apps to run on it, that would make it useful to me.