Forgive my of-topic-ness. Love the visuals on the pheremone examples btw!

I've tried unsuccessfully to recreate the minsweepers OR ants eating food example on Fupster's site. I think I was close but my little guys just kept spinning around in circles never to get that proper neiche it needed to adjust properly to finding the food. :? Perhaps some of my math was off. [size=9px](I can post my try if you'd like --and if I can find it... I'd like to solve this puppy once and for all!)[/size]

There was one other person that did solve it though. He went by the name of 'Lucky5' or something of that nature... I forget his real name. He used to frequent the AI Junkie site's forums too.

Anyhow... maybe a basic tutorial or lesson on all of this or part of this would help many who have a hard time with such concepts to understand at least a good portion of this. I know I personally have a hard time wrapping my head around Genetic Algorithms, though I understand that basic idea, just not the intriqute workings of the 'math' involved.