What i remember from DelphiX, is that it was very easy lib to make things with. But had its flaws in annoying and too restricted spriteengine (which i never used), slow rendering and slow image storing routines.

But along with easy to use window DXDraw, DXImageList is the greatest things in 2D it ever did. It was simple but now... very often i find myself in situations where i don't want to load all graphics at the beginning and such list starts losing its idea. I don't want to say that i use that .png file only in that pattern size but i use it in different sizes and many places.

What i'd maybe do in the future is a separate tool that makes a package file which contains 2 lists: textures and almost DelphiX-like list which defines the use. This "use" might be much more sophisticated, maybe actually drawing an entire interface, planned in the editor.

All in all, i haven't tried other graphics libs so don't know if they are as user-friendly to new programmers.