There is another option that has yet to be expressed. We (as a community, or as an individual who is interested) could simply create a library that "Supports" the DelphiX interface style. By this I mean that if we created a library that utilized Pascal and DirectX (I prefer not to say Delphi, as I think that FPC users should be able to benifit as well) that had components with the same structure as DelphiX, but didn't utilize the same code base (much of witch has been replaced already by unofficial versions, or could be easily replaced due to its sheer general purpose) it could be considered as outside of the origional license.

Personally, I still think that it would be a good endevor of PGD in general to develop libraries around SDL, OpenGL, and DirectX under the PGD name. Make them cross compatiable, so that switching would be easy. What DelphiX did, that many others have not, is made a VERY simple to use set of components that could be extended by those that knew how. I think that a general component setup could be achieved for all of the libraries utilizing Hori's design considerations and goals.

Just my two cents though, and I'm sure that not everyone will agree with me.