arthurps: Not in france ATM but I'm french. going back when the house is built brittany rules. except there is no net where I am

Anyways, I've been working on a 2d Engine which led onto Prometheus (Audio, Video, Core and Utils) and then I guess there is that Pong tutorial (ongoing) which I have about 10 bugs to fix in before I finalize it because at the moment there are LOTS of issues. Playable but you would want to, starting running my own webserver 24/7 this year (what a pain: dynamic IP grrrr), fiddling with touch interfaces and more importantly multi-touch on my tablet, getting to grips with ubuntu and KDE...

Don't know if all of those classify as seperate projects but I'd say it's a pretty good summary. Oh, and did I mention I'm doing exams and have to tidy my room? Ok, thats cheating but hey.