ActivateRenderingContext (and DeactivateRenderingContext) are helper functions from our dglOpenGL-Header to easily create and manage a rendercontext. So I guess you've been using our header back then, which is sadly missing (though I've been in contact with embarcadero to replace their badly outdated header with ours).

You can always grab the latest version here :

The header works fine with XE2, even with 64 Bit and a lot of people use it to create cross-platform applications (inlcuding me ). It's at least known to work with Win32 (and 64, at least during XE beta), Linux (32 and 64 Bit), Mac OS X and possibly more platforms.

And as for FireMonkey and DX : I was wondering the same thing to, but actually Embarcadero didn't really reply to my question on why they used DX instead of OpenGL. But the damage is done, so I'm pretty sure FireMonkey will be forgotten pretty soon. They could've made so much more out of it with using OpenGL and opening up access to the low-level API functions, but well, never try to understand company decissions...