Not to sound like a broken record of late, but... your best bet to get your game to run and perform well on ALL mobiles platforms (especially Android) is probably Oxygene.

Lazarus is great and all, but frankly it's Android support is not 100% Android compatable and if you do manage to get it going for *some* Android devices it would only work on the hardware that you designed it for. Your best bet, from any compiler on Android is something that compiles Java btye-code and the only Object Pascal compiler that does that is Oxygene for Java.

As Paul and I are both discovering that does mean you'll have to do some porting work on your code to make it more Java-friendly, but in all honesty depending on how you've written your code, it might not be that bad.

And as far as iOS and Mac OS X well Nougat works rather well and also compiled native code using XCode. I've tried it out and found it to be rather easy to setup once you know how. Personally, you'll have a much easier time with Oxygene for all things Apple overall as it uses Xcode, which allows you to do all your provisioning and submit to the App Stores via iTunes Connect. I'm not sure if there is an easy way to do that with Lazarus.